27 August 2024



Malick CISSE, a vibrant and sociable young man, embodies the spirit of perseverance. He has always been the life of the party, preferring the company of people over toys from a young age. His mother fondly recalls how he was never much for playing with toys, choosing instead to socialise and spend time with family.

He always wanted to be in the center of everything,- she says. We noticed he was a bit clumsy, but we just thought he was getting into things as kids do.

However, Malick’s clumsiness was more than just a childhood phase. One day, as his mother watched him walk to school, she noticed something unsettling.

He was a bit wobbly, – she remembers. I just had this feeling, so I turned around, took him out of school, and brought him to the doctor.

The diagnosis was shocking and Malick’s physical limitations became more apparent as his condition progressed and the once energetic and lively boy found himself increasingly restricted by his body, yet his spirit remained unbroken. In the midst of these challenges, Malick had to quit Hammarby [football].

When one door closes another opens and with that Malick and his family discovered judo, a sport that would become his passion and his salvation. Judo offered Malick a sense of control and empowerment that had been missing from his life. The sport allowed him to push his physical limits safely, providing him with a space where he could excel despite his condition. For Malick, judo is more than just a sport; it’s a source of joy and purpose. His eyes light up when he talks about it, and he eagerly anticipates every practice. He puts on the national anthem when he gets dressed and goes to school. 

Malick’s journey is far from over, but one thing is certain: he will face whatever comes his way with the same determination and heart that have carried him this far under his own motto: “When I get better, not if I get better”. 

Watch Malick’s incredible journey via the video below.

Malick’s story is a powerful reminder of the human spirit’s ability to adapt and thrive, even in the face of overwhelming odds. His love for judo has given him a sense of purpose and a way to connect with others in a meaningful way. As he continues to develop his skills on the mat, he proves to himself and to everyone around him that his potential is limitless. 

Author: Szandra Szogedi