7 September 2024


European Judo Championships Juniors Tallinn 2024


As soon as the Olympic Games are concluded, the usual game is on: Will there be serious rule changes for the next four-year Olympic cycle, yes or no?
The deadline for national federations to provide feedback on judo regulations is 20 September. Recipient: IJF Head Sport Director Vladimir BARTA. Only then will the internal IJF discussions begin.
“I expect that we will be evaluating specific rule changes in detail in October, or early November at the latest. There will be an IJF refereeing seminar at the beginning of next year,” says EJU Head Referee Director Alexandr JATSKEVITCH. “To be honest, I would like to see big changes. Judo must continue to develop and become more attractive. The Judo fans as well as the referees would like to see more scoring and fewer shidos. I guess, we all agree on that.”
Alexandr Jatskevitch is more than satisfied with the performance of the 15 referees at the current European Championships Juniors in Tallinn. “Things are ideal here. The judoka’s performances are top-class, the referees are doing a very good job. Discussions are the absolute exception. This is how it should be.”

Author: EJU Media