22 June 2024


EJU Judo Festival 2024


The latest addition to the education sector is the Project Showcase and Networking Event, which was inaugurated as part of the Judo Festival 2024. Following the opening words from Mr Sergei Aschwanden, EJU Vice President and Head of Education Sector, the function comprised 12 topics, each presented by an expert in their respective field.

Erasmus +

The Erasmus Programme, now known as Erasmus+, is an initiative of the European Union aimed at supporting education, training, youth, and sport in Europe. Named after the Dutch philosopher and humanist Desiderius Erasmus, the program provides opportunities for students, staff, and institutions to enhance their skills and broaden their horizons through international mobility and cooperation.

The aim of this programme is, inter alia, to promote physical activity and sport throughout Europe, while promoting social inclusion and equal opportunities. By fostering mobility, cooperation, and innovation, it helps create a more inclusive, cohesive, and skilled Europe. Whether through studying abroad, engaging in strategic partnerships, or participating in youth exchanges, Erasmus+ offers invaluable opportunities for growth and development.

For more information on how to apply click on the button below or contact Katja Rudas, EJU Education Commissioner: [email protected]

JIDP: Judo Intellectual Disability Project

This innovative initiative aims to promote the social and cultural integration of adolescents with intellectual disabilities through judo, enhance their quality of life with physical activity and healthy nutrition strategies, and train future adapted judo instructors.

Research has shown that participation in judo can have both social and health benefits for people with intellectual disability (ID). With this potential in mind, this project has been undertaken with further directions of expanding the presence and reach of judo programs for people with ID to the greatest extent possible to make them accessible to the largest number of people.

This project directly responds to the European Erasmus + priority “promoting social inclusion and equal opportunities in sport”, in this sense it uses the results of previous ERASMUS + SPORT projects (AUTJUDO, IKONS, PRIME) and complements them by providing new and innovative resources.

We will continue to foster this field…”

Mr Sergei Aschwanden, EJU Vice President and Head of Education Sector summed up the first event of its kind;

We believe that exchanging on different cases all around Europe is a valuable addition to the work of EJU. It demonstrates the extensive range of possibilities and potential for growth. EJU has a role to play in bringing nations together to create a network of experiences. We will continue to foster this field. I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who made the effort to come here and share their knowledge with the judo community.

The following topics were discussed at length during this event.

Erasmus+ Funding Opportunities
Katja RUDAŠ, EJU Education Commissioner, Erasmus+ Projects
Nicole Maussier, FIJLKAM, Head of Training for Disability Sector Members
of the Scientific Committee & Head of Educational Programming
Adapted Judo
Orkhan ORUJZADE, Azerbaijan Judo Federation, Education manager
JIDP – Judo Intellectual Disability Project
Jose MORALES, Ramon Llull University, Principal investigator
Jose MORALES, Ramon Llull University, Principal investigator
Mojmir KOVAČ, ŠD GIB, Jita Kyoei 2 project member
Judo Moral Code
Toma JELUŠIĆ, Judo Association of PGZ and Judo club Rijeka,
JOY – Judo connecting Older and Younger generations
Toma JELUŠIĆ, Judo Association of PGZ and Judo club Rijeka,
JIS – Judo in Schools
Toma JELUŠIĆ, Judo Association of PGZ and Judo club Rijeka,
Safe and Strong
Raša Sraka Vuković, Judo Club Zmajcki Vice President & NOC Athlete
Commission President
EWJV – European Week of Judo Values 2023
Nuno DELGADO, Escola de Judo Nuno Delgado, President
EJU E-learning Platform
Florian ELLMANN, EJU Education Commissioner, Education IT

Author: Szandra Szogedi