18 September 2024


Podgorica Senior European Cup 2024


Ahead of the Podgorica Senior European Cup 2024, President of the Montenegro Judo Federation, Mr. Jovica REČEVIĆ is looking forward to another successful event,

We are honored to host the Podgorica Senior European Cup 2024, an international event that brings together judoka from across the world. After successfully organizing the European Junior Cup in March, we are ready to welcome senior athletes to the cup for the first time, under the organization of the Judo Federation of Montenegro.

It may be the first time seniors will be competing in Podgorica under the new federation, but this is the spring board to the European Judo Union prime event in 2025.

This is also an introduction to what awaits us in April 2025, the European Senior Championship. Montenegro is proud to be part of the global judo community, offering a platform for athletes to compete at the highest level. We are committed to providing an unforgettable experience for all participants, showcasing both the spirit of judo and the warm hospitality of our country. This event marks a significant step in promoting judo worldwide, and we look forward to welcoming athletes, officials, and fans from every corner of the globe.

The two-day event will take place on the 21st and 22nd of September, welcoming over 270 judoka from 29 nations. The online draw starting at 20:00 local time at JudoTV.com.

Author: Thea Cowen