As from 2009, the EJU is offering a new system for the European Club Cup for men, divided in 4 regions, 2 areas per region (in total 8 regions).
The number of weight categories has also changed from 7 to 5 to increase the number of teams participating. Moreover, the inscription fee is reduced to 500 euro.
Each EJU Member Federation who has an official qualification system (one day national championship or league system championship) can enter the teams who are the medallist of the last finished championship (before the
dead line of ECC inscription). The medallist from the last ECC for men are direct qualified. If they are also medallist of the last national team championship, their federations can use the place/places for other teams.
Entries can be only made by the EJU Member Federations for each club. The entries included the complete list of the member of the teams and also the list of the results of the last national team championship. The entries have to be sent to the EJU General Secretariat (contact data: 37, Marina Court, Giuseppe Cali’ street, Ta’Xbiex MSD 14, Malta, Phones +356 21 319944, Fax +356 25401186, email
The entries are the official documents and no other changes/additions will be accepted. The deadline for sending in your inscriptions is the 15th of July 2009.
If your club be interested in organising this event, the bid books should reach the General Secretariat by not late than the 15th of June 2009.