The brilliant U8 Kids Family Camp has decided to extend their activities and mat time for a whole extra week during the Judo Festival in Porec in 2020, offering families an extra week in the beautiful location.
The days are growing shorter and the weather becoming cooler, forcing us to reflect on our summer, and in particular for the European Judo Union, the incredible Judo Festival in Porec.
Only a few months ago, families from across Europe were learning together on the tatami on a daily basis whilst also enjoying the incredible climate and activities that the Croatian seaside resort had to offer, a much needed break for children and parents alike.
The Kids and Family Camp is at the heart of the Judo Festival, attracting more and more each year. At the helm of this camp is Yuri Krischuk, who brings many families from Russia,
“I think the Family Camp was a success, it was very pleasing. There were more families this year than last, and it is nice to see parents in judogi and being very positive and encouraging. We also organised an educational part for them which was nice and interesting for the kids. I think this judo family will keep growing as long as we keep running this type of festival.”
There will be other sessions being carried out for children of all ages, but this under 8s camp is a special opportunity for the parents to be involved and help their children. There is of course a target for the teachers and the parents can allow the process to run much quicker. EJU Expert, Sergio Oliveira was a compulsory component in the 2019 edition of the Judo Festival and explained that a variety of games are used to allow the young children to develop basic movements without realising they’re doing it, purely having fun.
“We do activities such as tying their belts in to a ball and encouraging movement for de-ashi-barai and balancing games to strengthen their core and learn o-soto gari movements (basic judo techniques). Outside we can do physical activities like running, all of these things they must learn but here it is fun.”

Some of the parents on the camp have been doing judo for many years and it is just a natural step for their children to take part as well, but this is a very special environment and an opportunity not to be missed. There are memories made here that cannot be replicated elsewhere and it also allows for the families and children to meet people from all across the continent and expand their network.
As this is centred in the whole of the Judo Festival, all of those taking part have the opportunity to meet their heroes who take part in the Olympic Training Camp in the hall just opposite. Sharing the area with up-and-coming athletes as well as World and Olympic Champions, watching them train is awe-inspiring and despite our European athletes being in serious preparation for future tournaments, that doesn’t stop them joining in with the Family Camps to be challenged by our youngsters!

Due to the success and increasing participation over the previous years, the U8 Family Camp will now run from the 8th till the 21st of June, extended for an entire week.
To book for the prestigious Judo Festival 2020, follow the below link to register for activities as well as gather more information on accommodation, transportation and the resort. Hope to see you and your family next year in Porec!
Author: Thea Cowen