The research symposium and the conference is getting closer (12 – 13 June). Both events will take place in Porec (Croatia) during the Judo Festival the All detailed informations about the venue, accomodation, and extended deadline for abstract submission can be found in the outlines.
The conference will be led by several experts within several faculties which are all related in order to achieve goals which are set to be accomplished throughout the conference. Such as to connect the science and research in Judo with Judo practice or to encourage collaboration and connection of all those who deal with and wish to engage in research in Judo and/or use the research results will all be set to achieve over the period of time of the conference.
Invited lecturers
- Mrs. Jane Bridge-Charlot – former World Champion and vice president of EJU
- Mrs. Sanda Čorak – president of Croatian Judo Federation and vice president of Croatian Olympic Comittee
- Mrs. Emanuela Pierantozzi – former World Champion and Olympic medalist and now Assistant Professor at DINOGMI – Università di Genova
- Mr. Ezio Gamba – former Olympic Champion and trainer of the Russian national judo team
- Mr. Patrick Roux – former European Champion and World Championships medalist
- To connect the science and research in Judo with Judo practice, i.e. to put the theories and research results directly in the function of development and the promotion of Judo
- To encourage collaboration and connection of all those who deal with and wish to engage in research in Judo and/or use the research results
- To establish a permanent network of researchers in Judo as well as those who use these results
- To educate coaches, competitors and other sport officials in Judo
- To highlight multidisciplinary aspects of Judo that can be studied not only from the standpoint of physical education and kinesiology, but also from the standpoint of anthropology, psychology, sociology, economics, management, history, education and otherscientific disciplines
- To continuously improve the quality and value of our sport
First day programme
- opening ceremony
- plelanry session – invited lectures (recognized judo experts with scientific and professional background)
Second day programme
- podium presentations
- practical research presentations (Dojo)
- poster presentations o closing ceremony
Conference/Symposium Themes:
- Analysis of Judo technique
- Tactical evaluation in Judo match
- Biomechanics in Judo
- Physical conditioning in Judo
- Coaching process in Judo
- Analysis of elite Judo athletes and teams
- Observational analysis of injury risk
- Performance analysis in younger age categories
- Technology and performance analysis systems
- Judo Ethics
- Every other Judo-related research
- Conference/Symposium is conceived as international meeting of Judo experts in all fields (scientific and professional)
- Any researcher involved in scientific studies of Judo may submit a proposed paper for consideration
- Invited lecturers will be recognized Judo experts with scientific and professional background
- All papers will be published in Conference/Symposium book of abstracts
- Official Language: English
- By submitting the research, participants will give EJU rights to publish their papers on the EJU website and in the book of abstracts
- Conference/Symposium will consist of presentation of theoretical researches (podium and poster presentations) and practical presentations of research (in dojo)
Authors are responsible for the scientific and professional context and legal aspects of the articles. All authors guarantee that the article has not been published previously, or it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, either in part or in whole, and if the article is accepted it will not be published elsewhere in the same form, in English or in any other language
Papers are submitted in a form of abstracts (maximum 750 words) and The Book of Abstracts will be published
Papers should be submitted in Microsoft Word 2003 and later versions
The manuscripts should be submitted on A4 format, in Times New Roman font, 12- point type, 1.5 spaced with 2.5 cm margins on all sides
The title of the abstract should be in Times New Roman font, 14-point type, bold
Below the title one should write the authors’ names (without degrees), the authors’ institutions and their locations, and the key words in Times New Roman font, 12- point type
Official Language: English
Extended Deadline for abstract submission: Monday, 29th May 2017
Paper acceptance/revision notification: Friday 2nd June 2017
Deadline for registration and conference fee payment: Monday 5th June 2017
Paper submission exclusively on mail: [email protected]
Participants – 90 €
Students (must provide proof of their status) – 50 €
Conference fee can be payed
Over Bank account (all informations one can get on e-mail: [email protected])
At the Conference/Symposium during registration time of Abstracts printed and e-version of the Book of Abstracts conference materials attendance at all sessions beverages in coffee breaks.
Hotel Laguna Parentium 4* – Congress Hall, Zelena laguna, 52440 Poreč
Accomodation and reservation: Siniša Ergotić [email protected]
Assist. Prof. Ivan Segedi, PhD – Conference/Symposium Secretary ([email protected])