Being the number one in Judo is something all athletes are aiming for. SECA measurement systems and scales have been global market leader for many decades now. “It’s good news, that the Hamburg based company remains the official EJU scales supplier until 2024. There is no better option than to team up with the best”, confirms EJU Vice President Otto KNEITINGER. “The cooperation with Seca gives our Member Federations the opportunity to get the best products for special partner prices. It’s a win-win situation for all of us.”
Seca measurement systems and scales have started their business over 182 years ago. Precision for health is their company’s slogan, certainty what they are aiming for. Seca products are available in more than 110 countries, they have set up sales branches in a dozen of countries including the United Kingdom, France, Japan, China and the USA.
Otto Kneitinger used his Hamburg visit to meet Seca General Manager Matthias Gerling and his team, talking about the next Judo prime events to come. “We will mainly use our 2023 prime events to launch special EJU partner deals. There will be a lot of different opportunities and product offers our member federations are looking forward to.”
Author: EJU Media