8 June 2024


European Judo Championships Veterans 2024


Anaïs GIRARD, cooperation attaché at the French Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in charge of sport matters for the embassy visited Arena Hills on day three of the European Judo Championships Veterans Sarajevo 2024. Mrs Girard joined the French team to continue celebrating their already successful week. She was particularly impressed with the settings and further disclosed;

It is important for us to be here for the players, for the champions and the French team all in all who are coming to Bosnia and Herzegovina to participate at any Europeans or other international tournaments. With privilege, it is part of our duty to be here and to support them in their sports.

I am really glad to be here today and be part of this adventure. I am a judoka myself, haven’t practiced for a while but seeing this event today did make me think it would be a good opportunity to go back on the mat again. 

Naturally we have big champions in France in judo and it is really impressive to see that the French veteran judo community is so active. There is a huge French delegation here at the moment. I understand our oldest player is 73 years old and it is impressive to see them active and dynamic. The energy here is fantastic, I am glad to be here. 

I would like to wish all the best to the French team and all the other teams. The spirit of judo is special, it is gathering with a great community. We are glad that Sarajevo is hosting this event. 

Mr Jean Luc BARTOLI, head committee member of the veteran commission of France Judo also shared his appreciation; 

We are pleased to be joined by Mrs Girard. All representatives from France Judo are extremely satisfied with the organisation of this event. We would like to express our gratitude to the Bosnia and Herzegovina Judo Federation for this outstanding management of this event. We are happy to promote the values of judo throughout the world. With the way the world is going now, this week is like a breeze of fresh air. There is great spirit at present here. 

Author: Szandra Szogedi