A busy start of the week in Paris with the premier EJU Training Camp and Coaches’ Seminar for Adapted Judo. Local and international coaches gathered to collectively continue the development of adapted judo across Europe.

The first session took place in the afternoon where Director Para Judo at the French Judo Federation, Mr Antoine Hays began with some opening words;
Wishing a warm welcome to all of you. It is great having you all here and we are delighted to be joined by several EJU members. Due to security reasons, we start off with a lower numbers but it should increase over the next few days. After the practical training session, we will follow up with a theory session. Please if you have any questions do not hesitate.”

National Coordinator of French Para Judo, Mr Julien Parrot had overseen the session and navigated all attendees eager to learn. To support, Para Judo Commissioner of the French Judo Federation, Mr Michel Boudon was also attending at both practical and theory session. Mr Boudon is a wheelchair dependent individual due to a motorcycle accident back in the 80s. In 2003, Mr Boudon got involved with the sport as an adapted judoka and gained his black belt in 2008 via Katame-no-Kata. Furthering his judo career, within the same year, Mr. Boudon joined workforce in the French Para Judo, developed adapted judo in 11 centre and never looked back;
I love judo. Judo is extraordinary. Metaphorically speaking, the EJU Adapted Judo project is the baby and now we work towards to grow it to be a big child and then a grown adult. Having now a common project we can work together under the same umbrella, looking forward to it.
Mr Hays further explored the aims of this gathering;
We have many purpose to fulfil these upcoming days, to practice judo together, to coaches to meet and learn about adapted judo and to create unity in France. Here [in France], we have a complex situation as we have the French Judo Federation and within that we have Para Judo. In France we also have an organisation called Sport Adapté and they manage all adapted sports in France. Organising this seminar with the support of EJU is the first step in seeking to create unity and to bring the two organisations under one to create Adapted Judo France.

During the theory session, EJU Head of Adapted Judo, Ms Marina Draskovic and member of the EJU Adapted Judo team, Ms Kerry Tansey delivered on the following topics:
- History of EJU Adapted Judo
- What is a disability?
- Which disabilities do we encounter?
- How do we compete? Dynamics between athlete, referee and coach.
- Divisioning workshop.
- EJU adapted judo rules.
- How do we apply grades.
The evening was concluded with a satisfied, enthusiastic and ready-to-go audience. The judo family continues to grow as well as adapted judo duties in Paris. Hand in hand with the French Judo Federation we can expect more brilliance in one of the strongest judo nation of Europe, France.
Images: EJU/Carlos Ferreira
Author: Szandra Szogedi