14 June 2018


Judo Festival 2018 Porec - U8 Kids/Family Camp


Undoubtedly, the trademark of the judo festival is the U8 Kids Camp, aka, Family Camp; where children under age of eight are training together with their parents whilst enjoying the wonderful holiday surroundings. This year marks another wonderful time for the Judo Family. As past of a very exciting week, the group had the opportunity to join a Mondo (Q&A) with Kodokan expert, Sensei Murata. This session allowed the chidlren, as well as families, to have a better understanding of judo and gain wider knowledge of the history itself. Plenty of smart questions were asked from children at the end of the seminar. 

Program leader, Yuri Krischuk. – Emanuele Di Feliciantonio

Program leader, Yuri Krischuk; voiced his view of this year;

“The Judo Festival is great as always. In Regards to the Family Camp, the numbers are growing bit by bit and now we have families from different countries here. This is very good. Slowly-slowly, we will be able to increase the level of the sessions too. Also, the fact that we had Japanese experts here delivering a little presentation for our children was very benefitial and very motivating. It is important they know the history of Judo too not only how to flip each other around.”

EJU Expert, Sergio Oliveira. – Emanuele Di Feliciantonio

The troops had their morning training sessions with EJU Expert, Sergio Oliveira; where they learned about basic movements of judo and techniqes from different angels. A various of games were also implemented to improve their balance and coordination. Moreover, educational sessions were also part of their schedule. In which case, group activities were designed to learn about the values of judo and other additional important principles. Mr. Oliveira discussed his focus when delivering his lessons:

“Kids, especially at this age needs to enjoy it. They shouldn’t feel like it is a fight, but joy. With Kids, it is important to perfection the technique and then can perfect throws, and so on and so forth. Anyhow, the most important is that they have fun on the mat.”

Kaltrina Kuka from Kosovo. – Emanuele Di Feliciantonio

Kaltrina Kuka from Kosovo: 

“We keep coming back to Porec, we really enjoy it and we love the Family sessions. My daughter really loves Judo. Well,  in fact the whole family does and being able to spend quality time on the mat together is really great for both, our children and for the parents.”

Esther Matusche from Germany. – Emanuele Di Feliciantonio

Esther Matusche from Germany:

“It is our first time coming to the Judo Festival and it’s a really a great set up here. I came with my husband and 6 year-old son and we really enjoyed our time here. I think children gain confidence out of this Family sessions, it is very good for the young ones. We are going home tomorrow and my son already asked me if we could stay longer. This clearly shows he has enjoyed himself too.”

2012 European Champion, Alim Gadanov, brought her daughter for the Family Camp. – Emanuele Di Feliciantonio

Alim Gadanov of Russia:

“My friend told me about the Kids Camp and we solely came for this program. It is perfect for my 7 year-old daughter. At this age and at this stage, I am not pushing her to do anything. She does a bit of gymnastics and she practices judo. For me the most important is that she enjoys what she does and later on if she tells me ‘Papa, I want to be a champion’, then of course I will support her.”

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The Judo Family at the Family Camp. – Emanuele Di Feliciantonio