1 May 2022


European Judo Championships Sofia 2022


“It feels really good to have spectators back on the tribune. The atmosphere in Sofia was excellent, so was the sportive level of the European Championships. I can only congratulate Rumen STOILOV, President of the Bulgarian Judo Federation, and his team for the excellent job. The 70th edition of the European Seniors Championships in Sofia was a very special one. I am relieved, that we are (nearly) back to normal”, explains TÓTH László, President of the Hungarian JF and (sole) EJU presidential candidate for the Extraordinary Congress in Vienna mid of June.

“We had about 5.000 spectators and a lot of spectacular fights. Normally I would have liked to see more of Judo, but as we are preparing the Extraordinary Congress and working on the future of European Judo I had more than 20 meetings. I am happy to hear, that my presidential colleagues have enjoyed the past three days as well. It was a worthy European Championships”, emphasizes the 61-year-old Hungarian.

Author: EJU Media