European Week of Judo Values

Life video showing judokas and sports enthusiasts all ages, from 3 countries (Slovenia – Ljubljana; Portugal – Lisbon; Croatia – Rijeka) simultaneously performing judo exercises on tatami. Exercises are a part of the project European week of judo Values.

Project brings together Judo professionals from 3 European countries with a goal to expand Judo values on the basis of research, experience, and recognition of impact Judo values has to influence individuals, Judo communities, everyday life practices and society as a whole.

With our annual events and outputs, this year we are PLAYING FOR PEACE.

Ethical aspect of Judo needs a recognition of its potential but also an awareness it doesn’t solve problems by default. As a pedagogical process and a tool, it needs to be applied intentionally, systematically, at intersection of physical activity and conscious transmission of values. Pedagogical value of Judo is often overlooked by sports clubs and associations. 

The project practically aims to address and solve problem mentioned by creating a Judo toolkit and e-learning course, to promote awareness of values of Judokas, judo clubs and general public. In accordance to that, activities and events were organized in Lisbon, Ljubljana and Rijeka. Activities have been organized in time of European Week of Sport, between 23. 9. – 30. 9. 2023.

In Slovenia, the events will be organized by GIB Sports Association ( in Portugal by Escola de Judo Nuno Delgado ( and in Croatia Rijeka sports association (

The project is supported by National and European judo organizations – the Judo Federation of Slovenia, the Croatian Olympic Committee, the European Judo Federation and the Portuguese Judo Federation.

Read more about the project, the events and upcoming E-learning  toolkit here:

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“Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.”