22 July 2024


Berlin Junior European Cup 2024


The hectic schedule for the juniors continues as over 550 judoka from 35 nations head to Berlin for the next Junior European Cup, one of the last events before the big day in Tallinn, where the 2024 Junior European Championships will be held.

There will be four junior #1s in attendance, two from Europe and the rest from overseas. The latter include John Jr MESSE A BESSONG (CAN), who has had a good year so far, starting with a bronze in Sarajevo before winning gold in the +100kg in Podgorica. He then went on to win the Pan American Oceanian Junior Championships in Rio de Janeiro. He also added a senior bronze in Brazil to send a message that he will be back for LA2028, after Paris 2024. The Canadian judoka returns to Europe to take advantage of the quality of the competition and improve ahead of the Junior World Championships later this year.

Not yet on the continent, but in first place, is Talgat ORYNBASSAR (KAZ), who leads the -60kg category. Having already won bronze at the 2023 Junior World Championships, Orynbassar knows the journey well. This year he won gold in Anadia and Poznan and added a bronze in Almaty. Will he test or be tested in Berlin?

The main European interest in the -81kg category is now in the hands of #1, Igor TSURKAN (UKR). The 2023 European junior silver medallist has already collected four gold, one silver and one bronze this year. A successful performance in Berlin could secure his selection for Tallinn, if he has not already done so. In the women’s competition, #1 Yuli Alma MISHINER (ISR) will be looking to continue her dominance of the +78kg category. The 18-year-old finished 5th at the 2023 Junior World Championships and 3rd at the 2023 Junior European Championships but she has also competed in IJF World Tour events, which will be valuable experience going into the tournament. Mishiner 2024’s record includes a silver from Malaga and a gold from Slovenj Gradec.


Attention: The schedule is subject to change depending on the total number of entries and the circumstances of the competition. *The start time will be confirmed once the final number of athletes is known.

Author: Szandra Szogedi