10 September 2023


European Judo Championships Juniors The Hague 2023


As we approach the close of the Junior European Judo Championships 2023 in The Hague, we are already looking to the future. President of the Estonian Judo Association, Mr Kaido KALJULAID was here in the Netherlands to accept the flag hand over.

We are very happy to be hosting the Junior European Judo Championships 2024, we have been waiting a long time for this. Of course we hope to be able to host an event like this one here in The Hague, and as the hosts do each year, we want to be a little better. Like President Tóth says, they always want to find ways to improve and have spoken about their mission to improve coach and athlete services and we align with this.

One of the most important aspects for us hosting this event is to improve the knowledge and popularity of judo in our country, we want to have a major event that we can promote to encourage more people to join our clubs. Having a European Championships helps us show that judo is more than a sport, these athletes are demonstrating the judo values and this is what we want to portray, that the values form the person and in turn, create a better society.

Estonia last held a major championships in 2013 for the cadet athletes and now a decade on can facilitate the juniors, however the capital city of Tallinn has played host on numerous occasions for the European Judo Union, the first World Cup event was held in 2008. This European Open (formerly World Cup) event will continue to be in the EJU calendar in July 2024.

The incredible organisation is keen to welcome all of the continental teams for a successful championships and experience the hospitality of Estonia, bordered by the Baltic Sea and Gulf of Finland, it is an idyllic location.

Author: Thea Cowen